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LNG Outdoors...

About me...


                                                          Me... I like things simple. I am God fearing, pro family, avid hunter, in that

                                                          order. My house is in the city but my home is in the country.


                                                            Being in the city I see so many people unhappy. Unhappy with concrete, asphalt,

                                                            and tail lights as far as you can see. Including me... 

                                                            Its hard for country people like us to be bound up by walls and stuck behind

                                                           some lotiony hand guy driving his european leather car. I get a smile on my face                                                                                    when I see someone else driving a jacked up truck in the city. Let's me know I am

                                                           not the only one here having to deal with all this. Its funny, they even drive

                                                           different. Like their just as frustrated as I am, going from stop to 10mph just to

                                                           stop again. Lets get no where fast people!!!  

                                                           They say life in the city if fast paced....,  I'd like to know where.

                                                          Although the days do fly by faster, I guess because you're either on the road or on

                                                           the couch.  


  Needles to say, I get out in the woods every chance I get. But... I do have a family and they are very important to me. Some guys don't like to spend time with their families. Somethimes when I go hunting and I here other guys doing nothing but complaining about there wives. I used to fall into that trap until I realized my wife is really nothing like all that. She really is pretty good to me. She doesn't complain when I get antsy and need to see some trees.



          I talk about being in the woods so much I think

                    people see me as a tree hugger.  But i'm not...



  I'm just a guy that love the great outdoors. The same great outdoors

that the good Lord above created. His creation is such a gift to us but

more and more people don't even notice. They just keep building more

houses, more buildings and more concrete covering over everything. 

Who needs dirt and trees when you can pave over it. (Inter sarcasim)

People are afraid of getting dirty now a days.

You can't be too cold or too hot you have to be comfortable.

I don't think God made us to be "Comfortable" all the time.


Being uncomfortable just makes you stronger.  Its the whole forging thing. You cant make a strong sword without putting it in both hot and cold. If you don't stress it, it stays weak.  God made us the same way, it even states in his word.  (Psalms 66:10) It says that we are tried as silver is tried. It doesn't say we are on the couch as silver is laid out on a soft pillowy cloud. Nope, we must be tested and tried with adversity to withstand all that may come our way. And understand God will only give you what you can stand, the more you stand the more he gives. If you want to see great adversity that faces the forge square in the face and wins. Study Job, even his wife said to curse God and Die.    Spoiler alert...... He Didn't.


  Sorry, sometimes I get on tangents.


     I was raised on my grandpas farm in the summer and small towns in the winter. My graduating class was a whopping 32 people. We had to make stuff up at our graduation just so it would last a decent amount of time.

  Now I live in a place with well over a million. Some people love the city and the jungle that it is, and thats fine that's who they are. But not me, I love to sit in the middle of a Forrest and watch and listen to his creation. Wither it be the

 trees and grass swirling with the wind, or the squirrels and lizards running up and down trees. I like to watch the tiny spiders cast there web strings and shimmer in the sun as they float by.

  Of course you cant breath through your mouth during all that, you might get one in there, and they don't really taste all that good.  


           Of course there are the things on this planet that if I had a list to get rid of. Wasps would be the first to go!! What are they good for anyway? Why did God make them things!? Snakes, spiders, bees, nothing. But you put a wasp around me and my inner school girl scream slips right out.    Hate them things!! 


 Anyways Im not much of a computer guy but I wanted to start this blog because of some things I read and see on TV.

 I love a good hunting show but it seems like any more like all they do is shoot deer and sell something. I understand business but man every five minutes? So my goal is to teach what I know and learn what y'all know. I want this to help those who don't know but want to and learn from those who are willing to teach. There are seasoned hunters out there that I would love to learn from. Tips and tricks that could be forgotten if not shared. 


  So I hope I didn't ramble on too much and I hope you enjoy what is in here... 



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  you read.   Please send me an email if you do.      If you don't, just go on somewhere else. 


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