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Landon Vinyard


Good Good news my brothers and sisters, archery season is HERE!!!

I hope all of you are already ready for the season? Plots plated, deer scouted, camera’s out, and broad heads sharpened. It’s the time of year we’re all calling in “sick” and using all the saved up vacation days. I don’t know about you guys but I think October 1st needs to be a national holiday. I know there’s a lot of gun hunters out there that think November 5 should be a holiday but eeh... I mean I guess it should be… Kidding, I’m just bias to archery.

Last year was not a very good year with moving and everything but this year, this year I am anticipating a harvest. This year will be a freezer filler… The land I get to hunt this year has plentiful deer and best of all, private! This year I don’t have to hunt public land and on top of that, this land hasn’t been hunted on in years.

Which let me tell you is an answer to prayer, scratch that,… many prayers! I think I have a flat spot on my knees from it. The landowner is saying he is run over with dear, that driving at night is a hazard to his tuck grill. Both him and his wife don’t really even drive at night because of it.

This past year has been slim picken’s on eating dear meat. We saved it to eat only on special occasions, until we ran out. There were a few times I would come home from work and my wife would have a happy smirk on here face and I’m like, what? Why are you smiling like that? She would look at me and say…. I was cleaning out the freezer today and look what I found… DEEEER MEAT!!!!! I don’t care how sucky of a day you have. Coming home to a supersize like that is like walking into your room and your wife is being all naked. It’s like a little leap of joy on the inside.

Uh…, now if my wife is reading this. Yes I compared you to deer meat.

But in my defense, its deer meat, deeeaaarrr meat….

For the last month or two I hope all of you archers have been tuning and honing in the ole bow, knocking dust off the strings. Actually I hope your bow has been used enough not to have had time to get dust on it. And if that’s the case, you’re the one who will have a successful shot. You’re the one that will not have to worry about a gut shot, or the all time excuse, the deer ducked the arrow… Which out off all the video footage I’ve seen and with personal experience. Nine times out of ten, when a deer ducks an arrow, the shoot had horrible placement. Distance was miss judged, wrong pin was used, whatever it was. The shot started to high.

Anyways like I said, hope most of you have already been preparing and practicing for this season. If not for the freezer, do it for the deer. You don’t want to put a non-lethal hole in a deer to have it run off and suffer. Or worse, it run for 3 miles and then die. You’re probably already hunting several miles in, do you really want 3+ more to pack or drag it out. You know when it happens Murphy’s law will dictate that it’s the biggest buck you have ever shot but,… you will be buy yourself, with a broke down four-wheeler, a sick horse, no cell service, rough terrain, and at night. Possibly even competing with Coyotes. Nothing ticks me off more than when I’m competing with a predator over the dear I shot. I fact I have a cousin that this very thing happened. Well, except the broke down four-wheeler and sick horse. He shot an exceptional deer… When he sent me pictures he only sent me pictures of its head. After a few pics I was asking what did the rest of it looked like. Like how much meat did you get… To only find out that the head was about all that was left. The coyotes had eaten at least 80% of it. He shot it at dusk (still legal) and it ran off. He searched for it but it got to dark to find and of course he was by his self, (murphy’s law) so the next day he went looking for it. Just to find the local wildlife made a meal out of it. Hope they enjoyed it… What a waste of a deer tag knowwhatamean. Who wants to be out there giving an easy meal to the local wildlife? Were out there to feed our families with our God given right to hunt. Hear that PETA…. God given right!!! Unalienable right! Thank you forefathers!

Anyways I better quit while I’m a head. If I start getting all political this post may never end.

Happy hunting everyone! Ill be back with pictures…

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