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My hunting Season

My Hunting Season

My hunting Season.


Well my hunting season suckO’d!!! We moved to a new place and with us moving, it was harder to get off of work to go hunt. Usually I take a week or two off and head to the woods but not this year. A day here, a day there, and no time to scout. Also being in a new place I was unfamiliar as to where the deer traveled at night or where they go during the day. I did find myself in places where deer sign was everywhere but not sure what time of day they went through. True, the tracks did look as if they were just hours old. But on the other hand, I’m not as proficient at tracking as I would like to be. I did show up before daylight and being the tracks were already there. Pretty much tells me they went nocturnal.

On the plus side… I found a place to hunt. And I thank the Lord for that!

2016 will be different though. I plan on scouting throughout preseason. Hopefully the landowners will let me plant some small food plots and put out a feeder or two, but that may be asking a little too much. Don’t know but I will be asking.

Some of the land I will be hunting is THICK with predators. Which is not just a real good thing for the deer. Coyotes, hogs, mountain lions, and wolves, yes... wolves! It’s hard to believe there would be any around there. But the landowners tell me they do travel through there at certain times of the year. I will be putting out cameras so hopefully I will get some good pics! Which I will be posting if I’m fortunate enough to get one. They were telling me they have an area there called death valley. Naturally this peaked my curiosity, Soooo I had to find out. And wow… death valley lives up to its name. Animal remains and dry bones everywhere, you definitely feel like you’re being watched. You can hear unusual noises everywhere around you but I assume its just hogs. Or maybe my brain playing tricks on me? I don’t know, but every horror movie starts going through your head, especially wolf movies. Hearing the news that wolves run through there you can’t help but think about it.

Now that I do think about it, maybe I don’t want pictures of what runs around out there? Eeeh… it’s worth it. Ill just make sure I hunt with someone slower than me if I need to run.

I do know what I will be doing out there at a later date. Can you say night hunt!!! My friend has an electronic caller and we will defiantly be putting that thing to use. I’ve never used one before and I’m antsy to give it a try. He says it sounds as real as it gets but we will see. I have seen them on TV but everyone knows if you are trying to sell something you make it better than it actually is. Example…. Fast food restaurants. I could name a few but I don’t want to get in trouble. Their commercials make the food look so good you swear you can smell it. And when you get there, the pictures on the menus make it look even better.

You get your food and you are like… What the crap man!?

I totally fell for the old bate and switch, and then again, and then again. Every time we drive by we say hey lets stop there… And as always it just ends in sure disappointment and maybe a little Russian roulette in the fart department.

They tell you its 100% beef and if that’s so, why do I feel sick after words? Or was it the special sauce??? We may never know, just don’t make the mistake and go a day or so before you go hunting. Nothing kills a hunt more than gas, stomach cramps, and no toilet paper in the ole backpack. Even eating breakfast at one of those places may not fair well. Now not all are that way, but you do need to know which your gut can handle.

What I can say is, eat clean people, eat clean. Don’t give into the temptation and just grab anything. Plan your meals and plan your pit stops. Like I said before, an unplanned pit stop can ruin a great day of hunting.

Anyways… back to my less than par hunting season. My wife was saying bring home the bacon (deer meat) and nope, I brought home clean pristine shinny bladed arrows. I Thought about shooting a rodent or two but didn’t want to screw up any possibility of deer being around. My luck I would shoot a squirrel a second to soon and scare my chance off.

While hunting, my buddy and I found our way into a pig den… We weren’t really even close to death valley but inadvertently we found a den. I was the only one actually hunting so between the two of us, we only have the bow in my hand. I think I may have had a folding knife on me but not sure what good that would do. We just stood there and listened for a minute and we were surrounded. Pigs were everywhere! We both were like…. lets ease out of here. If they came after us I could have hit one maybe two before they got to us. But you really don’t want to mess with a ticked off pig much less being surrounded by who knows how many.

Later we decided to go back with a 30-30 and a 308 to take out our vengeance for the poundage bacon has puts on us. Sweet delicious baaacuunn…

Its kind of funny, my friend and another guy were out running around in a side by side and this massive angry pig started chasing and attacking them. They were out in the sticks so driving real fast was out of the question. That thing kept hitting the side of it trying to bite it and them. Would have been funny to see, I wish I could have filmed it.

Its funny, when it comes to pig stories I think all of us hunters have a few.

This one time a friend of mine was out hunting hogs and it was his first time. The two guys that took him kept telling’em, what ever you do DON’T MISS! DON’T MISS! So of course as luck would have it, they came across some big ones. In the back of his mind he kept thinking why did they keep making the point of not missing. They were out there a little ways but he decided to take the shot. Well he raises the gun to shoot but with his adrenalin pumping, he started shaking…. BOOM! He misses….

(Insert Intermission) Before I go on and so you can get a good mental picture. I want to tell you a little about my friend. And I do mean my little friend. Ha Ha, sorry man.

I call him a leprechaun because he is way short but has a heart of gold. Ironically enough he is a Notre Dame fan. If you ever knew a guy that would give you the shirt off his back, it would be this guy. But… you could pretty much guarantee it wouldn’t fit. Like wearing a belly shirt not fit. And trust me you don’t want to see me in a belly shirt.

Ok back to the story… Next thing he knows this giant pig turns to looks at him, then takes a full on dead run right at him. He just stands there shifting his weight back and forth not knowing what to do. He looks to his left and then the right and know one is around. He looks back and the other two guys are hauling butt back to the truck. He drops the gun and takes off running after them. Now pigs are fast and he is not, so this pig is just gaining on him almost like he is standing still. He knows this pig is right behind him about to get him. He can hear it chomping its teeth like he’s a just inches away. He got to the truck leaped through the air landing in the bed. I can imagine he looked like a white spud web as high as he had to jump. As soon as he landed in the bed of the truck the pig slammed right in the finder well. Put a big ole dent right in the side. Thankfully he made it in the truck before the pig got’em. I would think a pig and a leprechaun in a fight, it wouldn’t go to well for the leprechaun. He doesn’t pig hunt anymore….

On a side note, for all those that don’t know how bad pigs can be. Just search on YouTube Pig vs. whatever animal and you will be surprised at what you find. Them things are tanks with legs. I did see one that was Pig vs Rhino. Pig lost! Stupid pig…

I guess all in all I didn’t have too bad of a time hunting. Found a place to hunt, made some new friends, got to explore some new land. Not bringing home any deer meet sucks though. So I guess I would say my hunting season was a good 60/40 maybe a 50/50.

Feel free to post how your hunting season went? Make me jealous!!!

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