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Landon Vinyard




I am sure I think like a lot of hunters out there when I say the first day of Archery season should be a national holiday! But of course it must be celebrated in silence. No need in letting the deer know we’re coming. 8]

Its such a good time of the year…., Weather starts to cool, people lighting up the ole fire place, starts getting dark earlier, (wait that part sucks)…. Other than that I dig it! Its huntin time!!!

I sure hope everyone has their bows all sighted in? I hope all have been practicing, sharpening up their skills? I know I have… I shoot about 200-500 arrows a week. That may be a lot to some but to others not that much. I know a few that shoot a 100 + arrows a day. I would if I could, but work and chores seem to get in the way. Stupid responsibilities! So I have been shooting as much as I can.

It’s hard for me even to think about writing anything… All I think about is getting the family together and heading to the woods. I can’t stop staring out the window….

It’s the first week of archery season and I am not able to hunt. Dang it!!! It’s killing me! If there is any time for a man to cry its now… I even think if other men knew why, they would be good with it, may even tear up them selves.

So be being so, this is probably going to be a short one. I got to go check my hunting stuff again and again and again… Hunting OCD has its grip on me.

So happy hunting ladies and fellers, lets go grocery shopping our way!

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