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Landon Vinyard

Hunting Haters...

Hunting, for those who don't believe in hunting...

I am going to talk a little bit about hunting and what hunting does for the animal population. On how it is actually a good thing. Especially for these animal rights activist that are against all of this. I want to talk a little bit about how good it actually is for the environment and again, the animal kingdom. Land management is actually a good thing, it's not just killing animals. It's all about managing your animals according to food resources and preditors. If you don't manage you deer populations as I stated before, you will run into lack of food. The lack of food will create more than just starvations. With starvation, health declines, birth rate declines in the form of still births. Of course disease occurs and then you have mass die offs.

You really can compare it to human population. Now, first of all I am nowhere near being an advocate of population control. So don't get it in your head that that's what I'm talking about. The only comparison I am making is if you take a location and put in too many people in too close of quarters things naturally begin to happen?

If one person gets sick it's like an incredible domino effect, they all start getting sick and before you know it its a pandemic. When we get sick, we have doctors and medical facilities we can seek help. When animals get sick, they of course don't have that ability to do that, they die slowly and most likely a painful death. By managing your land properly you can actually increase the quality of life for the deer that are still living (if that sounds good to say it that way). If you think about it, with less deer out there there is more grass, more water, more acorns to go around, even if there is a drought or a hard winter. Just more food sources all together for the deer to survive on.

The other side of that is if you have a large sickly population of deer, your preditor population will explode. Coyotes, mountian lions, bob cats all now have more of a plentiful food souce so in turn they have more litters. And what happens when they start eating all the deer? Deer populations decline raidly and could very well dwindel to nothing. And now you have preditor animals roaming the citys looking for food and find it in your dogs and cats. And when they starve, just like the deer desease stikes and they have mass die offs.

I believe God created life pretty much like a pendulum. When life swings one way and gets out of hand it swings to the opisite until it gets out of hand.

So dont think of hunting as an act of killing some animal to fullfill the thirst for blood. Think of it as a way to supply meat for you and your family. A way to get your butt off the couch and out into the wildernes. Or even Land management....

I do see the point of people being upset when an animal dies or the taking of the animals life. I have to say being a hunter and when I do take the life of an animal. There is a sadness that I have because of the respect for the animal. I believe God created it this way to keep us from killing everything that has breath, thats not us. So I do understand that it was a living being but we need meat and thats where we get it.

If you have ever been hunting with a group of people whether it be friends or family. There is a strong comradery and memories being made. Father-son, father- daughter, husband-wife, wife-kids,or buddies. They all take away memories from the experience, and sometimes memories are all you have. You can say all you want that there are other ways to make memories but unless you've hunted you will never truly understand.

Hunters are not evil people, most are amazing human beings that will give you the shirt off their backs, and then some may already have.

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