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Landon Vinyard

Barely Legal

Barley Legal Deer...

Should you shoot a deer that is barley legal? Or should you let it be...?

I was bow hunting this past season on public land. I had been hunting there for at least 6 separate times, by this time I was getting a little frustrated. The rut hadn't really started but was on the verg. It was the last day of archery only and I had finally found where the deer were going in the mornings and coming back in the evenings. The only problem is there had recently been people out there with shotguns obviously shooting a lot. What was left of targets clay pigeons and the remnants of shells littered the grounds. Seeing this, I wasn't sure what effect on the deer it took. I suspected it scared them enough to make them completely nocturnal. But I went out there the next day anyway but went before light to make my way into a good hiding spot off their trail. Just after day light I caught a glimpse to what looked like a doe headed my way. As it got closer I could see that it was not a doe but a small buck, he had antlers but barely.

The thoughts ran through my mind should I shoot or not, for it was the last day. As the deer got closer the thoughts were getting louder and louder. Should I or should I not? It wasn't until he got 25 yards from me with my bow in my hand ready to draw, that I couldn’t, I just couldn’t. He presented me a perfect broad side shot with plenty of time to shoot but I couldn’t draw. It wasn't that I couldn’t pull it back, it was I couldn’t even attempt it. It was just too young, even if it was legal it was just too young. I could'nt bring myself to do it. So I watched it walk away wondering if that was going to be my last opportunity of the day. Turns out, it was. I was hoping something older was following it but nope. About 2:00 P.M. gun hunters started moving in, scouting the area and making all kinds of noise. (Yuppie gun hunters, But I will post something about that later) They're all showing up for gun season a day early ruining my hunt but I can't blame them, they didn’t really know. Fact is, if it wasn’t for my truck they wouldn't know I was there at all. I of course am camoed up and they're in hunters orange. I can see them a mile away and I am only 60 yards from them and they never saw me. I just sat and watched them in all their noisy glory.

Nothing against gun hunters I gun hunt as well, it was just these guys. But what really sent me over the edge was each day I was there I looked forward to seeing a baby pig run North on a trail in the AM and South on the same trail in the PM. I would mess with it a little making slight squealing noises as it ran by each time. It would stop, stick its tail up look around and the take off again. I would do this several times and each time it would run faster. It was almost like it was floating, with its legs moving so fast you could barely see them. I know it is a pig and a nuisance when it gets older but I still looked forward to seeing it. Never saw mama though. Well on the last day here runs by me this little pig and again I teas with it and wouldn’t you know it. It no more is a 100 yards past me when I hear BOOM!!! and I knew someone just shot my pig. (again Yuppie gun hunters) On top of that, when they shot my pig the bullet ricocheted right past me. I hit the ground of course not knowing if they would shoot again. Still didn't give away my position though, just shook my head at their disregard of nature.

I know this is a long story but I can say I left other details out to try to keep it fairly short. But I tell this story to inspire thoughts of just because a game animal has reached its legal stage, should it still be shot. Should you have enough respect for an animal to give it a longer life. I mean who knows, that very deer could be on track to break state records. We just don’t know. I would beg hunters to think about what they are doing and keep your heads on straight what an opportunity presents itself. To think clear, not letting buck fever grip you and think about the animal. Yes you may go home empty handed and are you willing to take that risk.

I am one of those that went home empty handed and still battle thoughts if I screwed up. It’s not always about the size of the rack for me, although bigger is better, sometimes way better. But I really love deer meat, and on top of that I am out.

So like I said I do still battle the thoughts of regret but my respect for animals seems to out way them, at least at the moment anyways...

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