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Fossel Rim - 

        Glen Rose Texas


   Who would have thought an African safari could be in Texas. If you can't afford to go to africa, this is the next best thing.


But no hunting... Such a Bummer!


   Seriously though, this place is a cool place to take the family on a day trip. We had seen this place on line and also heard about it from friends. Actually, we were headed to Glen Rose to see the Dinosaur Valley State Park but when we got there we saw how full it was. We were also told if it had rained recently, most of the dinosaur tracks would be covered up by the river. So we passed it up and went to Fossil Rim, we were not sorry we had. Now we still haven’t been to Fossil Rim but we plan to go and check it out. We entered the gate and went in to the main building to get tickets. It actually worked out to be a good day to go. We happened to meet the owners of the park, Very nice people; I think they were from the Europe somewhere?


When we got there we just thought you could just drive through and look at the animals.




   There is a so much more. They have guided tours, educational programs, lodging, and not just any type of lodging. They have anything from regular rustic looking rooms to tent cabins. I have to say the tent cabins are more of my style… They are cool! I cant imagine sleeping there listing to all the animals at night. Well… at least trying to sleep. I think I would enjoy the sounds too much to get any rest.



You can also ride your mountain bike there. But of course

   in a restricted area. I don’t think you would want to 

   challenge a cheetah 













Its not the least expensive place to go but well worth it. They did offer a year pass and if I calculated it correctly, you go more than twice it would be worth it.


You can pay for a guided tour and I am sure it would be worth it, but we chose to drive our own vehicle. We had never been there before and didn’t want to spend too much money. You can by food to feed the animals (which we did) and they tell you not to feed them by hand. It’s funny I don’t think anyone even paid attention to that rule, including the animals. It seams the animals actually expect you to. As soon as you open the windows they know exactly what you have. They were so friendly and gentle my 6-year-old son at the time wasn’t even nervous around them. I have to say I was more nervous than he was because of some of the antelope’s long horns. They can really put an eye out with them things. At the middle of the trip they have a building you can meet up at and look out over the land. You can bring food along and eat at one of the picnic tables they provide, in a heavily treed area that provides plenty of shade you might also get to hand feed a squirrel. There is a petting zoo you can take the kids to after you finish your lunch, you can just walk over and see the smaller species. After you have your fill of petting the animals you can then continue to the second half of the drive through zoo. The second part is where they have the cheetahs. That day they were out and about so we could see them.


They have over 1000 animals, 50 species on about 1800 acres. It’s a place you can really spend most of the day there if you want.



The other cool thing about a drive through zoo is you have a heater and AC and the shade of your car and what ever music that sets the mood . So no matter what the temperature is you can go. But… if it is to hot or cold out side you may not see that many animals or if you turn up the music too loud. They told us they seek shade on hot days and you can’t really get out of you vehicle to find them (sigh). 


So if you have a free Saturday defiantly go early put the kids in the truck and take some food. They will thank you for the memories… 


    Website address to check out...

Here is a map to the place.  

Have fun!!

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