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Bean Boozled!  FUN... but gross!

While my family and I were camping my wife surprised me with the game “Bean Boozled” and she wanted to get it on film (so we could see our own reactions with the hope of catch something film worthy) this was only intended for our personal use. Well, I wasn’t really in the mood to film a game I did not even know what it was all about but my wife batted her little eyes and of course I gave in.   Somehow!!! She has this power over me when she looks me in the eye and blinks rapidly… Why would looking at me blinking make me give in? We have been married 16 years and still I can’t resist… UGH!


Oh well…. So we played the game while recording. The video is not great being we didn’t really anticipate recording it. But… we are posing it anyways.


The game turned out pretty fun but pretty gross. The game is full of jellybeans that each color can taste one of two flavors. Good or Bad.  I don’t know how they get them to taste like that but most of them taste just like what that taste smells. Like rotten eggs… Tastes a lot like rotten eggs, smell. Or stinky socks, I have smelled feet that them things taste like. It makes you think they took sweat from someone’s feet and mixed it on the flavoring. If you play this game with friends that have a sensitive gag reflex your GOLDEN!!!! But play out side…


Later that night, some kids from a neighboring campsite came over to play and it got a lot more fun. They were all getting bad ones and doing there best not to throw up. They were daring each other to eat two at a time. One kid grabbed a hand full started chewing and took off running. He did his best to keep’em in, but poor kid just couldn’t handle it. Quite entertaining…


But my laughter came to a halt when we started talking to an 11 year old… (Keep that age in mind) about the different flavors and how her and some friends of hers play the game. Well… I don’t know how the conversation turned but she confessed to eating her boogers, but not any more. So I asked jokingly… what, yesterday? Ha ha ha. She said no, I stopped when I was ten.  ….So I was like wait a minute. Did you say you are 11? She looked at me and said yes, why? I just sat there wondering why she was being so honest and not even worrying about being embarrassed. So with the awkwardness of the moment I tried to make a joke asking if the jellybean that is booger flavored, really taste like a booger.


With complete honest innocence she looked at me and said, and I quote…


“Boogers don’t have a taste, it’s a texture thing”


That was game over for me! I was instantly gagging. I generally have a strong stomach, but that got me. I changed the subject and encouraged the kids to go play something else. I can say, I will NEVER forget that statement! That’s not a string of words I or anyone else would imagine hearing. (Especially coming from a 11 year old girl) LOL!


Anyways…  If you are looking for a game to play with the kids that’s actually pretty fun, I do recommend this one. Seeing the kids faces when the get a bad one will make your day. That kind of sounds mean once I think about it but, doesn’t make it not true.  Heh heh… If you can’t draw a crowd by asking if they want to play a game just mention it’s a candy game! That will definitely get their attention.



               Bean Boozled, dare to play...?  

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